don't let hard work discourage you on losing your tummy fat, just be consistent and you will get there in no time


Abdominal Machines To Lose Tummy Fat

I think everyone here will agree when I say most if not all of us want to have a flat tummy. Now there are a lot of tips and fitness programs that tell you how to reduce tummy fat and I assume that a lot of us would not fall for any false tips or useless gimmickry. However, some of them have a lot of conviction when delivered that makes it difficult to determine whether it is true or not. With this article, I will give some examples of these gimmicks so that you can familiarize yourself with them.

Now let me take a quick jab on abdominal muscle exercise equipment. I am sure that you have seen some of those commercials on TV and the internet. In the commercials, you would usually see people with fit bodies using the latest abdominal equipment to trim and tone their tummy and abdominal muscles. You also see the before and after comparison photos as they exercise while smiling which makes the ab machine so compelling to buy.

The fact of the matter is that exercising on an abdominal machine will not give you instant results if we are talking about getting a six pack abs. Of course you will experience an increase strength in your abdominal muscles but the muscles will remain covered by the belly fat and they will not become visible.

You should know that there are no magic pills towards losing your belly fat. Of course, exercising your abs is important but getting rid of your tummy fat by merely exercising using an abdominal machine is totally false. The objective of losing tummy fat is done by losing the fat that are covering the abdominal muscles.

If you have been at a local gym then I am sure you have seen people using cardiovascular machines for hours to get a lean body. The truth is, while doing cardio exercises can help improve your cardiovascular capacity, there have been no exact proof that doing hours of cardiovascular workout will flatten your stomach more than doing just 30-45 minutes of cardio. This is something that most of what you believe about how to reduce tummy fat will never let you know.

As a suggestion, just combine high intensity muscle burst in your cardiovascular workout. If you are using the treadmill then just increase the inclination for every 15 minutes of running. For elliptical machine users, simply pump up the level of resistance. You can even include some hill running and mountain cycling. Cycle through lower and upper body workout routines as you use weights so your body will continue working without rest.

High intensity workout of cardio will definitely give you a flat tummy in no time and a much more effective and permanent result than those of long but low intensity cardiovascular exercise.

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